Week 2
Today at St Joseph’s we raised funds for our class charities. Year 5 chose CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) as our charity and we held a toy/book/jewellery sale to raise funds. We made colourful bracelets, necklaces and squidgey soft hand cushions that proved to be very popular indeed! In addition, some classes came to school wearing pyjamas or onesies and even rainbow colours whilst others had juice and biscuits. As you can imagine, we had a very colourful Celebration Assembly this morning as we celebrated our writers and stars of the week!
In English we’ve written a book review using hyperbole (exaggeration) of our class book, ‘The Misadventures of Frederick’ by Ben Manley as well as comparing the different styles of letter writing in the book. The two main characters write very differently – one using formal technical language with complex sentences structures and no contractions and the other using a more informal ‘chatty’ style with simple sentence structures and contractions. We’ll be using our comparisons to help us construct our own persuasive letters in a variety of styles.
In Maths we’ve been learning about the formal written method of short division. We’ve used manipulatives to help us with our regrouping and next we’ll be trying division with different types of remainders.
In RE we’ve been examining the special qualities of Jesus’ disciples and how people today can aspire to be like them and use their own qualities and gifts to follow their missions.
In History we’ve investigated how the Ancient Maya settled successfully in the rainforests in Mexico and surrounding countries despite the hot and humid temperatures, wild animals, unfamiliar food and difficult terrain. Finally, in our latest Science lesson on Forces, we carried out an investigation to see what type of footwear would be the most suitable for an expedition to Everest. We wanted to find a shoe or boot that would give a walker the best grip in icy conditions. We created tables and a bar chart to show our results.
Many congratulations to our Stars and writer of the Week. Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you back in school on Monday.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard