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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Class News (10.3.23)

We’ve had another busy week this week.  In English our scripts are ready for recording.  We’ve been working hard in our groups to write news reports on our book ‘The Boy in the Tower’ by Polly Ho-Yen.  We’ve created parts for a news interviewer/journalist as well as residents of the area the story is set in and experts like scientists, builders and chiefs of police to describe what’s happening.  All we have to do next is rehearse our parts and film them!

In Maths we’ve been multiplying fractions by whole numbers and will continue this into next week before we look at percentages.

In RE we’re continuing with our new topic on Memorial Sacrifice when we remember the sacrifices Jesus made. We re-enacted parts of The Last Supper through mime and discussed the importance of the bread and wine and why Jesus asked his disciples to continue to take them in memory of him.

In History we’ve planned and written reports on the Viking raid at Lindisfarne in Northumbria in AD 793 and in French we’re practising new vocabulary connected to the classroom such as ‘baton de colle’ for a glue stick.

 Many congratulations to our Writer and Stars of the Week. Have a good weekend and I’ll see you back in school on Monday. Take care and stay safe.


Best wishes

Mrs Howard