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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Class News (21.4.23)

Welcome back to our final term in Year 5!  We’ve had a busy start to the term as well.


In Maths we’ve continued with our work on converting between units of measure. We’ve learnt how to convert from a large unit to a smaller unit by multiplying and then dividing when converting from a small unit to a bigger unit. We practised conversion word problems as well and will be moving onto area next week.

In English we finished our work on the exciting book ‘Boy in the Tower’ by writing a flashback story and we’ll read the second part of the story as our class book until half term because we’ve enjoyed it so much.Next week we’re starting a new book linked to this term’s Science and Geography topics on the environment!

Our Geography topic is called Enough for Everyone where we are considering the needs of a settlement as well as the needs of the planet as a whole.  In the next few weeks we’ll be finding out where resources such as power and food come from and how our carbon footprint impacts the world and how we can ensure we have enough natural resources for everyone.

In PE today we started to practise our tennis skills in the hall due to the weather and next week, all being well, we’ll be outside improving our forehand ground stroke.

Many congratulations to our Writer and Stars of the Week. Have a good weekend and I’ll see you back in school on Monday. Take care and stay safe.


Best wishes

Mrs Howard