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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School home page

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Our Curriculum

It is the intention of St Joseph’s staff to provide a safe ,happy and aspirational environment for all with a  curriculum that is rich, broad and balanced ,filled with exciting learning opportunities and life experiences that enables all learners to achieve , aspire, have their mental wellbeing needs catered for  and to succeed in every aspect of life, now and in the future. We will do this by ;

  • Using the national curriculum statements
  • Ensuring clear progression in all subjects throughout the key stages
  • Plan carefully thought-out medium term plans that ensure progression, opportunities to explore prior learning and to ensure new learning is exciting ,memorable and inclusive of all styles and abilities.
  • Enable subject leaders to move learning forward within their subject areas and evaluate carefully the impact and implementation.
  • Create a diverse curriculum that gives every child the opportunities to learn about History,cultures,equality and the richness of life.



Over the past few years as a result of Covid and necessary curriculum review, and in line with the  OFSTED 2019 Framework we have been carefully reviewing all areas of our curriculum. We have considered all subjects under 3 main headings;






We considered what we intended our curriculum to be in all areas. Each subject leader and class teacher has carefully thought through what their curriculum needs to deliver to our children today at St Joseph’s. They then started to put that into action by planning what that curriculum would deliver across all year groups. What children would learn and how as well as how they would progress across year groups and key stages. All of this then needs to impact and ensure that every child is receiving the best curriculum for them.


Our Curriculum will;
provide a safe ,happy and aspirational environment for all with a curriculum that is rich, broad and balanced ,filled with exciting learning opportunities and life experiences that enables all learners to achieve , aspire, have their mental wellbeing needs catered for and to succeed in every aspect of life, now and in the future.




A little look through our doors





Whole school projects