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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Class News, Summer 1, Week 1

Year 6 have certainly hit the ground running this week after their two weeks off!  They've worked really hard in all areas of the curriculum and definitely deserved their golden time this afternoon.


In maths, we have revised and practised equivalent fractions, percentages and decimals.  Some of these really need to be at the children's fingertips so that they don't have to stop and work things out eg. 25% = ¼.  We've revised angles around a point and strategies for finding missing angles; again, facts to remember are things like all the angles in a triangle add up to 180º and all the angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360º.  We've looked at 3-D shapes and their nets and finished the week with last year's arithmetic paper.


English this week has been similarly busy.  In SPAG lessons, we've revised relative clauses, word classes, formal/informal writing and the use of the active or passive voice in writing.  Active:  The boy kicked the football.  Passive:  The football was kicked by the boy.  In reading, we've looked at vocabulary questions and synonyms and looking for evidence in the text.  We've looked again at inference questions and what is meant by phrases such as 'what impression do you get'.  The children did a reading paper on Wednesday which has really boosted their confidence as there was a lot of improvement from the one we did before Easter.  Please keep up the daily reading and discussion over the next few weeks to build up fluency and vocabulary.


We started our new geography topic this afternoon - Marvellous Maps.  Perhaps, after the SATs, we'll be able to get out and do a bit of live map-reading.