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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Year One News 1/10/21

Friday again and the end of another busy week.


In maths this week we have been subitising amounts. This is being able to look at a group of objects and find the total without the need to count each individual item. The children had lots of great strategies to find patterns in the layout of the objects in order to work out the total.


In English this week we have been continuing to look at the story of Farmer Duck. The children also learnt about nouns, verbs and bossy instructions.


We visited the library this week for the first time. Your child has brought home a book to enjoy and share. Some have brought home non fiction books to look at which you can share with them.


Today was our final Forest School session and the children made fairy houses using natural, found objects. The children were all very creative and inventive with their house building. One child found a piece of wool and decided to make a fishing rod for the fairies.


Here is this week’ homework sheet:

On Monday your child will bring home their line for our prayer service which will be on Thursday. Please ensure your child learns it off by heart. Thank you.


One final reminder, we still have some children coming to school without names on their clothing, including their wellies. Trying to sort and locate clothes without names is extremely time consuming. Please ensure every item of clothing is named so that lost pieces of clothing do not become an issue. Thank you for your support in this matter.


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Carpineta.