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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Singing is good for us! And now, we’re allowed to sing again!!!

The English National Opera are running a free 6-week project for people recovering from Covid.  Their findings back up what I have always believed – that singing is good for us in many, many ways.  I have really missed singing with my classes during lockdown.  One good thing to come out of home learning is that we are allowed to sing in the privacy of our own homes.  the best thing is that you could enjoy this project even if you are not recovering from Covid!


Please watch the trailer to find out more.

ENO Breathe Trailer ǀ English National Opera

Developed and led by our expert teams at Imperial College Healthcare Trust and the ENO (English National Opera), ENO Breathe brings together a unique combina...

Then join us on Friday morning for a short “Feel good singalong” on Teams.  I am still fine-tuning the details but I will send out invitations soon so keep your eyes open.  I think we will do a mixture of some of our favourite hymns and some very silly (but enjoyable) songs we often sing in class, just to lift our spirits and keep us smiling.


Look forward to singing with you on Friday.