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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Happy October :)

How is it October?


This week in maths we have been investigating measure, throughout the week we have been estimating lengths and mass of different things. Our feet are approximately 20cm and we went around our classroom measuring our feet against everything to see what else was approximately 20cm.


Today with the help of Mrs Gilliam and Mrs Cina, we made shortbread biscuits (I was not much help!) The boys and girls weighed out their ingredients using their brilliant measuring skills and followed the method on the recipe and boom the perfect shortbread biscuits were created.


English, we have just started a new topic in which we will become journalists and soon write our own newspaper. So far we have looked at the features of a newspaper, listened to other forms of recounts and summarised an interview and article.


In topic we spend the afternoon on a survive hunt looking at all the things we could use to survive in stone age times.


Have a lovely weekend

Miss Axon