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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Pupil Premium

What Is The Pupil Premium?


The Pupil Premium gives schools extra funding to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils from Reception to Year 11.


The Pupil Premium Grant provides funding for two policies:


  • Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap with their peers; and

  • Supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces.


To ensure that pupil premium is focused on effective approaches to raising the educational attainment of disadvantaged pupils, schools must use their pupil premium in line with the ‘menu of approaches’ set by the Department for Education.

Our strategies have been developed in line with the EEF’s 3-tiered approach to help school allocate spending across the following 3 areas:

  • supporting the high-quality teaching, such as staff professional development
  • providing targeted academic support, such as tutoring, including through the National Tutoring Programme
  • tackling non-academic barriers to academic success, such as difficulties in attendance, behaviour and social and emotional wellbeing

In line with the EEF’s recommended approach, we have prioritised high-quality teaching, though the exact balance of spending between tiers will vary depending on the specific needs of pupils.


Purpose of Pupil Premium


The pupil premium grant is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England. In the financial year 2023-24, pupil premium spending will increase to almost £2.9 billion.


The Government want to support all schools to use the wealth of evidence of ‘what works’, evaluated by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), to use this funding effectively.


In the year of 2023 - 2024 we will receive £23,576 for our pupil premium funding.




Pupil Premium Action Plan

Spending Rationale

Our spending rationale for 2023-24 is based on the following;

  • Low levels on entry of PP pupils particularly in communication, language and literacy and self-care skills, and not just in our Early Years Settings. For example, how well are children ready for school learning?
  • PP pupils also on the SEN register
  • PP pupils accelerating from secure to greater depth over KS2, in smaller numbers compared to non-PP
  • Some home learning environments lacking the resources to support pupils’ communication and literacy / numeracy skills
  • Children are seen, reflected and celebrated in our curriculum and school environment. They have high aspirations as their peers.


Pupil Premium spending for 2022-23 was decided upon after consultation with a wide variety of stakeholders with regards to the main barriers to educational achievement and data analysis by the Senior Leadership Team. We also completed a Pupil Premium audit .


This work identified the  main barriers identified were as follows:


  • Learning in Key stage 1 continued focus due to the early childhood effects of remote learning/covid

  • EYFS - Speech and communication needs increasing 

  • Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties 
    o Mental/ emotional health difficulties

  • Financial difficulties increasing - opportunities for wider activities 
    o Poor emotional resilience and self-regulation skills impact on many pupils’ ability to work collaboratively and to accept a degree of challenge in their learning
    o Children lack the aspiration necessary to achieve in all aspects of life




The impact of our Pupil Premium spending is reviewed on a half-termly basis through Pupil Progress meetings and duly reported as appropriate.