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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Class News, Year 6, Autumn 2, Week 5

What a lovely start to the week we had - the traditional Advent Assembly was back, with the whole school and parents watching.  What a great job Year 6 did in decorating the tree as we listened to the reasons for the different decorations that we hang on our Christmas trees.  Food for thought as we're decorating our own trees at home.


Wednesday saw Year 6 out and about in various places - by the end of the day, I only had 10 children left to teach!  Well done to the children who went to the hockey masterclass and had a really great morning.  Chaplaincy team went to Westminster Cathedral to represent our school at the carol service and thoroughly enjoyed themselves - they were particularly impressed with the donkey and the goat that were also in attendance!  An extra special well done to our football team who, although they were beaten 5-1, tried their very hardest and played their best.  It was our first match this year, so onwards and upwards.


We've finished the week with the pantomime this morning which, judging by the screams and laughter, was greatly enjoyed by the whole school.