Class News 15.2.24
Can you believe we are at the end of another half term? What a busy week it was- Assessment week, art week, Valentines' disco, Valentines' mufti day and parent consultations! Luckily we all have a week off to recover!
It was really wonderful to finally meet you all properly at parent consultations. It's always a great time to just take a moment to discuss and celebrate each and every one of your amazing children. I've only been in class a short while but the progress I have seen has really made me so proud and I know that you are too!
We did another phonics screening practise test this week and everyone made progress which I'm sure will continue. After the half term I will send home some packs with screening test examples for you to practise with your child.
As part of art week we explored colour mixing of primary colours to make secondary colours. When we return we will be creating our own Clarice Cliff inspired plates which should be a lot of fun!
Have a wonderful half term everyone and I look forward to seeing you when we return.
Mrs Carpineta