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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School home page

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Who's Who

Welcome to St. Joseph’s from all of our dedicated team.


Mrs. O’Connor – Head Teacher/DDSL

(Primary School improvement Executive Head-Trust)


Mrs Moseley -Associate Head -DSL/

EYFS Lead/PP/RE/Curriculum/Art/MathsTeam/Writing Team


Our Teachers


Nursery Teacher 

Mrs. Vinci


Reception Teacher

Mrs Pisaturo


Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Carpineta


Year 2 Teacher

Mrs Moseley

Miss Axon (M)


Year 3 Teacher 

Mrs Rowntree


Year 4 Teacher

Miss Entwisle 


Year 5 Teacher

Mrs Howard


Year 6 Teacher

Mrs Skelton


Music/PE Teacher

Miss Gunn




Mrs Rogers -DDSL(3 days – M/T/Th)



Our Teaching Assistants



  Mrs Direnzo, Miss Randazo,Mrs Cina


Year 1- Mrs Nicolini,  Miss Mitchell


Year 2 – Miss Cicero,Mrs Neville ,Ms Mills


Year 3 – Mrs Smith,Miss Concannon


Year 4 – Mrs Gilliam


Year 6 – Mrs Puntrello, Miss Perone


Computing Support


Mr. Hughes (IntermIT)


Business Manager


Mrs. Perone (DDSL)


School Office


Miss Brennand – Administrative Assistant

Mrs Mardell– School Finance


School Care Taker


Mr. Culora


Site Maintenance


Evergreen Facilities Services - Cleaning Contractors



