Class News (18.11.22)
It’s been another busy week in Year 5 and one of our most memorable activities was during our topic work on the Ancient Egyptians. We investigated the ancient Egyptian ritual of mummification and become embalmers to understand the key steps in the process. Luckily no humans were embalmed – just oranges – and we’re observing them over the next few weeks to see what happens to them!
In Maths we’ve been learning about multiples, factors and prime numbers and in English we’ve been continuing our poetry writing to support our work on Remembrance Day. This week we’ve used the book “Where the Poppies Now Grow” by Hilary Robinson and Martin Impey to write our own poems and read them to the rest of the class.
In Science we’ve been continuing with our new topic on Forces and have been learning how to describe the different types of force, including air and wind resistance, friction, gravity and buoyancy.
In RE we’ve continued with our Life Choices topic and discussed how you can show commitment and service throughout life. We watched a wedding ceremony and discussed the promises made during the service which show commitment and fidelity.
As part of our whole school activities on the theme of Anti-Bullying and reaching out to help each other, we performed our own class assembly. Some of us played instruments – the violin, the recorder, the piano and the drums – some wrote poems and some performed a short drama. It was great fun to watch and yet had a very important message too. Well done Year 5!
Have a lovely weekend and come back to school on Monday refreshed and ready for some more learning!
Best wishes
Mrs Howard