Week 4 Charity Week
What a fun packed week we have had in Reception this week.
We started the week completing our phonics and reading assessments. It has been wonderful to see so many children knowing all their sounds and reading so many CVC words.
Tuesday was a celebration of our school saint, Saint Joseph. To celebrate we started off with a whole school mass, we then made our own lily like the one St Joseph sometimes holds. We finished the day celebrating with our buddies and enjoying an ice-cream with them.
Wednesday morning the children got to make Easter biscuits. They thoroughly enjoyed making them especially when crushing the mini eggs. We held our afternoon tea/Easter craft charity event. Parents enjoyed a nice cuppa and a hot cross bun before they got busy creating Easter Bunnies faces with their children. It was especially lovely to see so many dads too. Thank you parents for your contribution.
In R.E we discussed what a 'family parish' is and does it help us to hear God's word.
In Art we have begun making our Easter Baskets.
Well done to our Stars of the week Chizitelu and Alina.
Have a lovely weekend.