Class News 16.2.2024
Good afternoon Parents and Carers,
Another busy week has flown by in Nursery again this week! We started the week with a spin on our traditional tales topic with the ‘Runaway Pancake’ . It’s similar in story to the gingerbread man story and fitted in well with Shrove Tuesday/ pancake day this week! The children found it funny that it was the pig this time and not the fox (as always portrayed) who caught the pancake in the end! We continued with our phase 2 phonics with our sounds ‘p’ and ‘i’, we also recapped our previous learning. The children are really good at recognising the sounds on sight and we are practicing hearing the sound and distinguishing between them. In maths we have been looking at repeating patterns - the children were very creative with their choice of colours. To practice our fine motor skills the children have been busy making their own valentines day cards this week - lots of hearts being cut out and stuck and lots of talk of love for their families!
On Wednesday Nursery attended our whole school Ash Wednesday assembly with Father John where they each received their ashes. The children listened and sat beautifully in assembly. We were very proud of them!
Yesterday we had our spring parent consultations, it was so lovely to meet with so many of you and discuss your child’s progress !
We wish you and all a wonderful half term break and we thank you for your continued support!
Kind regards,
Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo