Class News 15.3.24
Munch, Munch and Stomp!...
We began our week reading ' The Very Hungry Caterpillar' which many children knew the story from home and enjoyed
re-telling using the repetitive language. Nursery class enjoyed cutting, sticking and making their own hungry caterpillar segments for our giant caterpillar which you will see hanging up in the classroom. We discussed what a heathy or treat food choice could be. In maths we continued to explore repeating patterns using a variety of resources such as our mini bear counters, unifix cubes even the nursery children and finished the week making our repeating pattern caterpillars.
As part of Understanding our World - We explored the life cycle of a caterpillar , the children were brilliant at using words such as 'cocoon'. We explored this further with our investigation tuff tray and the children enjoyed exploring other minibeasts using magnify glasses and minibeast non fiction books to find out more information. We also looked at a butterfly and talked about how its wings are symmetrical, what this means and what else could be. The children loved our bright green playdough this week and we had some amazing caterpillars made as well as other minibeasts !
It has also been British Science Week this week - we began the week with a whole school assembly introducing this years theme of 'time'. Each class had been given a focus and in EYFS we looked at how our planet had changed over time. We looked at dinosaurs and learnt why they are no longer alive. We were so impressed as one of our Nursery children was able to explain about 'a rock coming from near the moon crashed into our planet'! We discussed what an 'asteroid' is and we also talked about how do we know dinosaurs even existed. We watched an online tour of the Natural History Museum to look at dinosaur bones/skeletons and fossils. We made our own salt dough and used small dinosaurs to create our own fossils which the children loved making. Once they have dried over the weekend we will be able to paint them next week.
It has been a busy week but I am sure your agree a fun week!
A big well done to our Stars of the Week and to Eseose who has taken home the Bee Reading Trunki this week!
Thank you to Zac for sharing with us your amazing adventures with Bee last week and so pleased you enjoyed your hot chocolate surprise!
Reminders :
As you will have seen from Parent Mail and Class dojo, next week will be our School Trust Charity Week.
Monday 18th March - children to dress up - be your hero! £2 contribution
Tuesday 19th March - please join us for our Whole school St Joseph's Day Mass at 9.10 in the school hall.
Wednesday 20th - Nursery Charity morning 'Easter biscuit decorating' and our sponsored ' Dance' £2 contribution.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo