Class News (24.2.23)
Welcome back to the second half of our Spring Term! It’s been a busy week in Year 5 because we started our D&T Topic on electrical circuits and made electrical Doodlers as our finished product.
We began the week investigating the components of series circuits and how we might use them in creating our own Doodler for someone in school. We made prototypes to help us understand the importance of attaching drawing tools evenly and a counterweight onto the axle of the motor to help the Doodler wobble and move across a sheet of paper to create a colourful pattern. We worked in small groups to make our finished product and you can see from the photos and videos how much we enjoyed the lessons.
As well as D&T, we looked at short division in Maths and will continue this into next week. In English we began planning our news reports on our book ‘The Boy in the Tower’ by looking at the features of TV reports and how we might film our own. In History we continued with our Vikings topic and discussed why the Vikings chose to invade Britain and where they sailed from. We finished our RE Topic called Mission which looked at how we continue Jesus’ mission within our diocese and how we have our own mission in life to spread the Good News. We took part in St Joseph’s Ash Wednesday service which marks the start of Lent and our homework this week links to this as well.
Many congratulations to our Writer and Stars of the Week. Have a good weekend and I’ll see you back in school on Monday. I hope you enjoy looking at our D&T photos too. Take care and stay safe.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard