Week 8 (3.11.23)
We’ve had a great start to the next part of our Autumn Term in Year 3.
In Maths, we’ve been working hard on rounding numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred and next week we’re moving onto mental and written addition and subtraction. We’ve also started using TTRS to help us revise our times tables and we’re enjoying going against the clock revising multiplication and division facts for 10. We’ll be practising 2x and 5x as well before moving on to our 3 and 4x tables.
In English we’ve been looking at the features of free verse poetry by examining the poem ‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright. We’ve worked hard to create some lovely sentences about natural objects from the countryside like pine cones, dandelions, daisies and holly leaves. We used super adjectives to describe each object and then wrote noun phrases using our new vocabulary.
In History we finished our prehistory topic by comparing life in the Stone Age with life in the Iron Age and decided which era we’d like to live in. In Science we found out that we could make a fossil by preserving a bone in plasticine with water mixed with food colouring to simulate mud forming on top of it. We simulated sedimentary rock forming on top of all of it and compressing it by adding layers of tissue. We were able to conclude that fossils are formed by animals and plants becoming trapped within rock millions of years ago. We also examined how different types of rocks, drew rock cycle diagrams and understood that soil is made from rock and organic matter.
Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too. Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard and Mrs Gilliam