Class News (2.12.22)
We’ve had another busy week in Year 5 and one very special event for us was our Class Mass this Thursday. Father John led the Mass which focused on the start of Advent. All our readers read clearly and the offertory and server performed their duties perfectly. Mrs Skelton helped us rehearse the order of the Mass and Ms Gunn played the piano and accompanied our singing of ‘Silent Night’ and ‘Give me Joy in my Heart’. Our thanks go to Father John, Ms Gunn and Mrs Skelton for making our Mass such a special occasion.
In Maths this week we’ve been revising our understanding of equivalent fractions and we'll be looking at mixed number and improper fractions next week. In English we created more poetry from writers such as Maya Angelou. We arranged all the words in her poem ‘The Caged Bird’ into alphabetical order and then used words from the list to create our own work.
In our History Topic work we investigated the people and events surrounding the discovery of King Tutankhamen’s tomb in Egypt and in RE we started our third topic called Hope. We discussed the symbolism of the Advent Wreath and the importance of Advent as a time of waiting in joyful hope for Jesus.
In Science we investigated the effects of air resistance and discovered that the surface area of an object can affect the rate at which it falls to the ground. The larger the surface area the slower the rate of descent of the object.
We’ve made our Christmas baubles too and they look so lovely. They cost just £2 and will be a super reminder of this year.
Many congratulations to our Stars of the Week and our writer of the week. It was a hard decision to make as you’re all working so well in Year 5. Keep it up!
Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you back in school on Monday.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard