Nursery News 3/3/23
Hello everyone, Friday again!
It was so lovely to see so many of you at Parent Consultations. Your children are all doing so well and it is so lovely to have that time to get together to celebrate them!
We have been continuing our traditional tales topic and our story this week was Little Red Riding Hood. The children are so amazing at retelling and sequencing the main parts of our stories! They all really enjoy role-playing each story using our stick puppets and masks.
This week we have also been working on our counting, number recognition and number formation. The children had to count a group of objects, find the number on a number line and then write it in the box. I have been able to see such an improvement in their number and name writing so please continue to practise this at home. Well done Nursery.
Just a reminder that next week is our Prayer Service. Your child has been sent home with a line to learn so please do practise this over the weekend and we look forward to welcoming you next Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Carpineta.