Viking Art Wednesday
For art today you will need:
8 tablespoons of plain flour
2 tablespoons of table salt
1 tablespoon of oil
2 or 3 drops of food colouring – any colour (optional, but pretty)
Warm water
Rolling pin
Cardboard to make your plaque on
Put the flour and salt into a bowl and mix together.
Mix the food colouring, oil and around 50ml warm water in a separate container. (You can always add a little more water later if you need to.)
Pour the liquid mixture (water, oil and food colouring) into the flour mixture and stir until it comes together and you can form a ball. On a lightly floured surface, gently kneed the dough for a few minutes.
I used red food colouring but, as you can see, I should have put a little more in because my dough ended up pink. Never mind, I’ll put a couple more drops in next time.
Roll out your dough until flat but not too thin. Gently shape into a plaque.
Use the flat end of a matchstick to carve Viking runes into your playdough. I have carved runes to spell “Miss Gunn.”
You may wish to put a simple border around your runes to finish off your plaque.