Year 6 SATs Anxiety Workshop 1st May 2024
This was a workshop held by Georgia Kett, our link education mental health practitioner, from the Broxbourne Mental Health Support Team. Since the SATs are almost upon us and can be a stressful time for our Year 6 pupils, this was a much needed workshop, giving children the opportunity to talk about anxiety and stress surrounding the tests. Areas that were covered during the workshop were:
- What is anxiety
- What anxiety feels like in the body
- Anxious thoughts and how to overcome these
- Sorting worries using a worry tree
- How to solve worries about SATs
- Positive self talk
- Understanding avoidance around revising for SATs
- Relaxation techniques (star breathing, lazy 8 breathing and hand breathing)
- Distraction techniques (5,4,3,2,1 grounding and rainbow grounding)
- Progressive muscle relaxation
Hopefully these techniques will help our Year 6 pupils and we wish them the best of luck for the upcoming SATs. Remember Year 6, you are all amazing and so much more than the results you get!