Viking Art – boxes and Viking symbols
Today, your art challenge is based on Viking symbols and making a box. Please look up the meanings of the symbols so you know which Viking god they represent.
Choose one of the templates (below) and print off.
NB. If you are unable to print, you can always draw your own box net – sides are 7cm long. Open the templates and copy the shape onto a piece of paper or thin card. Please remember to include the tabs to enable you to stick the box together.
If you wish to, you can use other Viking symbols from the picture above to decorate your box.
Choose your box template (above) and print out either onto paper or thin card if you have some. If you are printing onto paper, you can always glue your template to a cereal packet to give it greater strength.
The shaded areas in the picture above show the areas which you will cut off and discard – do not decorate the shaded sections.
Decorate the plain squares of the box net template with Viking symbols and patterns.
Cut out the box net, making sure you don’t cut off the tabs.
Fold along the lines – you could use a ruler to make sure your folds are straight.
Reverse the folds so your decorations will be on the outer sides of the box when you stick it together.
Put glue on the 4 tabs (not the one that was at the top of the template when whole) so you can stick your box sides together.
Stick the tabs to the adjacent sides to form the sides of your box.
Tuck the final tab in (without gluing) to complete your box.
Take a photograph of your completed box and send via class dojo.