Half Term Lent Project
Lent will start during half term.Ash Wednesday (17th February) will mark the start of Lent. When you return we will be discussing Lent and preparing for Easter. Fr John will once again be leading prayer services on this.
During the next few weeks as we journey through Lent I would like to set you a little (ish) task. When I had my own class,I would always make my own Lenten garden which I would share with my children and we would watch grow. I thought that it may be quite nice if you wanted to design and make your own Lenten garden. It can be small or large.In a tray or container, even in your own garden if you want. Think of all we remember through Lent.What was Jesus doing?What was he preparing for?
Here are some ideas which could help but I know yours will be even more WOW.
When we return to school (Hopefully before Lent ends) I would like you to bring these in or if you can’t then a photo. I would love to showcase your work in the hall as we celebrate with our Easter activities. I can’t wait to be impressed!