Class News – WEEK 2
What a busy and jam-packed filled week. Year 1 have done amazing this week even with different adults teaching them. Everyone has made Mrs O’Connor proud with all their learning and brilliant listening.
In English this week, we have been learning about the Owl Babies. We will write our own version of the story next week. We have had a focus on adjectives for each of the senses.
In Maths we have been learning about the days, weeks and months of the year. We have practised putting these in order. I think I have learnt a lot this week. Can you mark my work?
Thursday, Wednesday, Monday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Saturday
In Topic we have started our first lessons learning about the Great Fire of London. We have looked at a timeline and will continue to do so throughout this topic.
In RE we have been looking at special people. Can you think of anyone who is special in our family, school or at church? We have been looking at the special jobs that people have in the church like the greeters, priest and people who hold the candles.
In Science, we have created our topic pages and looked at scientific vocabulary that we will be using in this topic ‘Plants’.
Next week we have some important guests that we will be listening to and we are really excited for the children to ask questions to out new link to our Farmer in Lancaster.
Well done to our first stars and writer of the week this term!
Miss Entwisle