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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Week 12 (1.12.23)

This week has been another busy week especially with our writing. We’ve used information about London and Paris in our class book, ‘Atlas of Adventures’, to help us write a postcard to a friend or relation.  We’ve learned all kinds of interesting facts too; such as, there are over 75000 red buses in London that carry over 6 million people to work each day. We read our work to each other and then edited it.  Next we investigated some of the festivals that take place around the world.  We chose which festival we would like to write about and created a fact file making sure to use main headings and subheadings, paragraphs, pictures with captions and important facts.

In Maths, we’ve continued with our work on developing strategies to help us with our mental subtraction and  have used regrouping to help us to subtract ones from 2 and 3-digit numbers. We’ll be moving onto more formal methods of addition and subtraction next.

In RE, we’ve moved onto our next Topic called Visitors which focuses on the arrival of visitors during Advent including the shepherds and the three wise men.

In Science, we’ve been learning about how light from the sun can be dangerous and how we can take steps to protect ourselves.  We investigated how effective sun cream was by placing UV beads in bags coated with sun cream outside.  We saw that both SPF 30 and 50+ creams prevented the beads from changing colour and concluded that they were the best protection for us in hot weather along with wearing hats and sunglasses.

In Geography, we’ve been mapping the different mountain ranges in the world and their proximity to plate boundaries and next we’ll be investigating the different types of volcanoes


Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.


Best wishes

Mrs Howard and Mrs Gilliam