Week 5 (5.10.23)
It’s been a busy week in Year 3. We’ve been celebrating Black History with the focus on ‘Saluting sisters’. The women that we’ve saluted have been the American civil rights campaigner Rosa Parks and the singer & songwriter, Nina Simone.
In Maths, we’ve finished our work on counting on and back in 1s,10s and 100s from different points through tasks and games and will be moving on to comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 next.
In English we revised our use of conjunctions and then used them to help us write expanded noun phrases for our character descriptions of either the Princess, Prince or Dragon in our book ‘The Paper Bag Princess’.
In RE, we’ve discussed the greatest commandment and how Jesus tells us to love one another ‘as I have loved you’. We then made a recipe for a happy family by making all the ingredients for living happily together and showing each other love.
In our Science unit on Rocks we examined different rocks and grouped them according to their physical properties. We tested them for hardness, durability and how they reacted to water and vinegar.
Finally, in History, we were detectives examining different artefacts from the Bronze Age to help us deduct who the Amesbury Archer was and where he might have come from. We had lots of great ideas!
Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too. There’s plenty of time throughout the term for everyone to be chosen so keep doing your best.
Have a super weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week in class.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard, Mrs Gilliam and Mrs Cina