Week 2 – Gathering
R.E : This week we started our new topic ‘Gathering’. We discussed all the times we gather together, be it with our family or at school. We also talked about when we all gather at mass together.
English: This week we read the story of ‘The Paper Dolls’. This is a story of a little girl and her five paper dolls who go on adventures but never leave each other. So we decided to make our own paper dolls.
Phonics: We have been learning the sounds ‘ai -snail in the rain’, ‘ee- what can you see?’, ‘igh – fly high’. Red words : what and my.
Maths: We have been quick firing our number bonds to 10 and we have been beginning to learn our doubles.
Homework: Please see school website. Children are to make their own ‘Book in a box’. Please see the website for ideas.