Week 11 (24.11.23)
Today Year 3 came dressed as either their mother or father for a fund-raising PTA event. They all looked wonderful and their costumes were very imaginative!
In class we’re enjoying our new non-fiction book ‘Atlas of Adventures’. We’ve filled in our passports and have travelled to lots of interesting places to discover some fascinating facts about them – from South Korea to South America and even the Antarctic. We looked in detail at Finland to help us write extended noun phrases using a range of conjunctions. We had no idea that red foxes had whiskers on their legs as well as their faces to help them find their way through deep snow! We’re off to see London and Paris soon and to write postcards about our adventures.
In Maths we’ve continued with our work on developing strategies to help us with our mental addition and subtraction. We’ve used a variety of scaffolds such as bead strings and cubes to support us and we know that, when we’re adding 9 to numbers, we can add 10 and then subtract 1.
In RE we’ve been learning about baptism and the importance of godparents and their baptismal promises to God.
In Science we’ve been investigating how much light is reflected off different surfaces using light meters and measuring in Lux.
In Geography, we’ve been learning about different types of mountains and how they are formed by the movement of tectonic plates around the world and in PE we’re focusing on fitness and how to increase our stamina.
Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too.
We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard and Mrs Gilliam