Class News 8.3.2024
We're going on a bear hunt!
We began our week in Nursery reading 'We're going on a bear hunt', many of the children already knew the story as its one they share at home which is great to hear! We acted out the story trying to walk in thick, oozy mud and wade through a flowing river. I think the best part was though when we made our own cave and we all huddled together inside looking and waiting for the bear! We also watched and listened to Michael Rosen , the author of the story, retell the story and we discussed what an author and an illustrator are. We continued with our phase 2 phonics - We continue to listen and distinguish between the sounds and practice our letter formation. We was so impressed every child came and wrote the 'i' sound on my teaching board! We have also been practicing our name writing too! In maths we began to look at repeating patterns and we will continue with this next week. We have also been very busy cutting, sticking, painting - but we will have to keep that a surprise mums!!
Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day - the Nursery children all looked amazing in their costumes and so wonderful to see and hear about all the different books that they enjoy reading! We had many wonderful activities throughout the day, we started with our school assembly to launch our Book Day, we decorated potatoes and made them into super heroes based on the 'Super Potato' book, we made our own story plates by cutting out any traditional character of their choice and a setting such as a castle, forest, beanstalk. The Nursery then had to make up their own story from what they had chosen to stick on their story plates. Year 4 visited us in the afternoon to share and read stories with Nursery which both classes really enjoyed! Lots of photos of the day will be on the main part of the school website for you to see. We also took many photos in class and will share these with you next week.
On Sunday we celebrate 'Mothering Sunday' and the children will be bringing home a little surprise for you all. It has been a room filled with lots of love this week as the children have celebrated and told us the amazing things you do for them! Wishing you all a wonderful Mother's Day and weekend ahead.
Kind regards,
Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo