Class News 9.2.2024
Good afternoon Parents and Carers,
As part of our ‘Traditional Tales’ topic we have been reading ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Nursery have really enjoyed retelling the story and acting it out using puppets and props. This rich story telling language is so important and it’s wonderful to hear the children retelling our traditional tales with great expression ! To develop our fine motor skills, the children have
been making some excellent play dough gingerbread people and have been cutting and sticking clothes, hats , buttons for their gingerbread people! All very creative! We also explored ginger and had a mixed response some loved the smell others didn’t but all like it in their gingerbread biscuits!! As part of maths Nursery have been subitizing and are getting very good at matching arrays to a number ! In phonics we have been learning the ‘p’ sound and listening and identifying objects with that sound. We have also been practicing writing our names, well done Nursery for such a great effort! As you know tomorrow is the Lunar Chinese New Year , we finished our week by learning about this celebration and making our own Chinese lanterns!
I look forward to meeting with you all next week at parents consultations but in the meantime have a wonderful weekend.
Kind regards,
Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo