Year One News 15/10/21
Hello everyone and here it is the end of our penultimate week of the first half term. Can you believe how fast it has gone?
In maths this week we have been looking at one more and one less from a given number. We explored using bead strings and learning how to show an amount on it. The children were fantastic and worked so well.
In English this week we developed our knowledge of sentence building. The children have been working hard to develop their writing remembering to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
In science we are continuing our materials topic and explored the properties of some everyday materials. We discussed what material would be best to make windows, chairs and clothes and explained why they were suitable. The children had lots of great ideas.
Thank you all for your generous contributions today for our Children in Need charity fundraiser day. The children all looked fantastic in their spotty clothes. The children all made fantastic Pudsey masks to bring home too!
Here is this week’s homework sheet
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Carpineta.