Oh I do like to be beside the seaside......
What a great start to the week we had by going to Southend. We first visited the aquarium where we got to see lots of different sea creature. Two sharks even swam above our heads! We then sat outside to eat our lunch. After our lunch we went and played on the sand ( a very pebbly one). We tried our hardest to make sandcastles and we collected lots of shells.
And to celebrate in style we got to have an ice-cream.
English: This week we wrote sentences about our trip to Southend. We have been working hard on using our sounds and remembering our finger spaces.
Phonics: We are recapping all of phase 2 and phase 3 sounds and applying them in our reading and writing. The same with our 'Tricky words'.
Maths: We looked at sharing and sharing equally.
Well done to our stars of the week: Beatrice and Phoebe
Have a lovely weekend