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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Class News - Week 6

This week we have celebrated another week of Black History Month with our theme 'Saluting our Sisters.' We have been fortunate enough to have visitors to the school conducting workshops and talks around this theme which has been very exciting. 

We have also been busy with Art Week creating beautiful pieces of work. There's no doubt about it; we have an extremely talented class when it comes to art. 

We have also continued coming up with lovely writing pieces around our English book, Arthur and the Golden Rope. 

Mrs Gunn has put up some videos of the dances that the class put together during PE this week on the website if you would like to have a look. 

We are looking forward to our final week next week before a well-deserved break over half term.


Well done to our Stars of the Week:


Verone and Lena


Writer of the Week:



Message about flute lessons:


We have some spaces for children in years 4, 5 and 6 to begin learning the flute this year.  Playing a musical instrument is a great way to improve resilience, perseverance and to develop performance skills, while providing a very enjoyable break from screens and devices. 

For more details or prices or to sign your child up for lessons in school you will need to visit the Hertfordshire Music Service website: Music Lessons ( 

If you are interested in learning another instrument there may be spaces available at the Music Centre at The Broxbourne Secondary School.  Please see the website above for more details.