Friday 12th November 2021
We’ve had a good week in year 4.
Thank you to the children who brought in some items for the ‘Proud To Be Me’ display!
This week the children have started a new text in guided reading called The Iron Man, which we are really enjoying. We have been practising different reading skills such as inference, prediction and looking at new vocabulary.
In geography we will be learning about the water cycle. This week we learned about solids, liquids and gases. We froze water in a balloon to create a big block of ice and then left it to melt to see how long it would take.
We are starting a new topic in RE called ‘Gift’. Today we thought about gifts we can give to others that aren’t physical things. The children came up with some lovely answers such as respect, trust, love, helpfulness, kindness and loyalty.
In D&T this half term we will be making Christmas finger puppets – the children are very excited about this!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Georgiou