Our new book for English this week has been Jasper's Beanstalk. We have been focusing on sequencing and using command forms of verbs. We commanded Jasper to plant, water, rake, mow and wait for his bean to grow. We have been labelling plants and creating captions.
In maths we are learning about numbers and their values and number patterns. We are looking at number patterns that can be seen on dice, dominoes and playing cards. This helps the children to subitise, which is identifying amounts of objects in a set without the need to count.
We are thinking scientifically about everyday materials. We are asking questions about their properties. It has been great hearing the children using scientific language as they sort and classify material into different groups based on how they feel and what they look like.
The children are enjoying the History topic, How am I making History. They have recalled photos of themselves from nursery, reception and now in year 1 and sequenced them on a time line.
The children really do enjoy talking about their personal toys and items from home for show and tell. One toy, a microphone came in very handy and was borrowed to interview the children about their items. They enjoyed asking and answering each others questions. They even used it for an English lesson where they pretended to be frog reporters interviewing each other about the habits and habitats of humans.