St Joseph’s Visions and Principles for Science
Our Vision:
Our vision for Science at St Joseph’s is for all children to become inquisitive, knowledgeable and enthusiastic scientists who will enquire and discover the world around them with confidence through child-led investigations. All children will leave St. Joseph’s with an enthusiasm, passion and curiosity for Science that leaves them wanting to explore more about this awe and wonder that surrounds us every day.
Our Science Principles (developed through our PSQM journey)
We believe that good Science is:
- encouraging and providing opportunities to investigate questions to prove or disprove their own theories by thinking deeper through hands on practical science
- promoting enthusiasm and curiosity at every opportunity
- fun, exciting and engaging for all children
- promotes that Science is around us and continues beyond the classroom
- science should take place inside and outside and should use real equipment
- relate to real life and explore the world around us
- children engaged with experts inside and outside the classroom
- children becoming independent learners
- challenge to develop our scientific skills
As a school community we are extremely proud to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark award for our work in Science. The year long continuing professional development programme, which we embarked on through COVID, has enabled the school community to reflect and engage in outstanding Science practice . We have raised the profile of Science in our school and wish to share this with you. Our portfolio submission is below which showcases our achievements and next steps as a school community.
Please contact the school office for a copy of our Science Skills Progression document and they will contact the Science Subject Leader for this information.