PE – Yoga week 2
I hope you enjoyed the Yoga session last week and that you felt very calm and relaxed afterwards. Here are some more yoga activities for you to enjoy this week.
Please do Fit in 15 as your warm up. See the posts from Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday morning. (You do not have to do all three cardio routines – choose your favourite so far.)
Don’t forget to do the cool down routine at the end of your PE for the day.
Please wear appropriate clothing and make sure you have enough space to take part in the activities safely. Use a rug or folded towel as your yoga mat if you need to.
Warm up with the snake breath and cobra poses.
Optional Lion’s Breath – because everyone appears to enjoy it so much.
The video below takes you through 5 Yoga poses, one at a time.
The next video shows you the poses in sequence with no explanations between. Hold each pose for around 20 seconds if you can comfortably.
Feel free to watch the videos more than once if you need to.
Remember to cool down at the end of your session.