Year 6, Spring 1, Week 1
It’s been a very busy week here but good to be back in school for our first full week.
In maths we’ve been looking at 2-D shapes and their properties and the mathematical language associated with them. Our English is still based on the book ‘Clockwork’; this week we’ve been working on description through writing postcards and beginning a travel brochure to use persuasive, descriptive language.
Science work is still based on Living Things – this week, looking at micro-organisms and whether they are harmful or helpful. We’re examining mould on bread at the moment by seeing what conditions cause the mould to grow more quickly.
In RE we have started our new topic of Sources by choosing our favourite Bible stories and also looking a the Bible more closely, looking for links to different parts and to our own lives. We have also discussed the Synodal Pathway currently being undertaken in the Catholic Church.