In English this week, we have continued looking at biographies. As a class, we compared different biographies and made a list of features that we can use when we write our own. We also looked at how we can use effective descriptions that evoke time. We have made notes from other biographies so that next week we can start writing our own biographies.
In math, we have started looking at fractions. We have looked at equivalent fractions and converted mixed and improper fractions. We will continue this next week, looking at how we apply this in context.
In science, we have started looking at forces. We have discovered Isaac Newton and the impact he had on science. We have observed and measured different masses using Newton meters. We will continue to look at this next week.
In PSHE, we started our new 'Dreams and Goals' topic, where the children discussed what they want to do in the future and what they think they would need to get there.
In RE, we have looked at what mission is and what this means. We also looked at what our local church's mission is and what they do to serve it. We linked this back to Jesus' mission and links to the Bible.
Well done, stars and writers!
Stars: Amiee and Sienna D.
Writer: Sean
Have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes,
Miss Entwisle