Year 5 Class News (17.6.22)
It’s been a busy and very warm week in Year 5! Ms Gunn launched our Fit for 15 programme and over the coming weeks we’ll be improving our fitness and stamina as well as maintaining a healthy diet.
In Maths we’ve been converting measures to help us use scales to read maps and investigating Imperial measures. In English we’ve been continuing with our class book,’ The Promise’ by Nicola Davies and writing poems to describe the story and its environmental message and in RE we’ve been discussing our ideas on freedom and responsibility through our new unit called ‘Reconciliation’.
This week some members of Year 5 were involved in both football and netball tournaments and played very well. Many congratulations to all of those taking part and to our Writer and Stars of the Week as well!
Have a good week-end and enjoy the sunshine. Take care and stay safe.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard and Mrs Direnzo