We will remember.
English: This week we recited poems about fireworks and learnt about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate the 5th November. We have begun writing out our tricky words too. This week we wrote the words I, the, no, go.
Phonics: We learnt the sounds h, b, f, ff and tricky words:here, he, we, she, me, be.
Maths: This week we did lots of counting back, looking at numbers, subitising and we began looking at addition.
R.E/Understand of the world; We looked at why we wear poppies and why 11th November is such an important day.
Art: We made firework art using chalk and we painted our poppies using apples.

Last but not least we celebrated our buddy assembly. The children were amazing. Photos to follow.
Stars this week were: Lula and Beatrice.
Have a lovely weekend.