Week 5
Another fun packed week here in Reception.
English/Phonics: This week we have learnt the sounds 'i and d'. Our new common exception word is 'no'.
Maths: We have now completed our number formation to 10.
R.E: Father John came and spoke to us about our new topic 'Welcome'. He spoke to us about 'Baptism' and showed us the important objects needed for Baptism such as the font, candle, oil and a white shawl.
Black History: We were very lucky to have Miss Daley come and read/tell us an African folktale story time. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
We read the book 'The Smeds and the Smoos' and spoke about how different we all are and that is what makes us special.
Well done to our stars this week: Leonor and Tymon.