Year 6, Autumn 1, Week 4
This week got off to a slightly sad start when we realised that our craft session with Reception and our buddy assembly would be postponed but well done to all the children who have prepared a story ready to read to their buddy, especially those who have gone the extra mile and made props to go with the story! We’ll look forward to reading stories, doing craft activities and introducing Reception to the rest of the school in a couple of weeks.
Maths this week has been about choosing effective mental strategies – column method isn’t always best and there are lots of methods to choose from which can help speed up calculations. We also practised using bar models to help with working out. We’ll be moving onto factors and multiples next and then a couple of weeks of everyone’s favourite…fractions!
In English we have been writing narrative pieces in the third person and then looking at effective editing – not just changing one word here and there but looking at swapping clauses around, including relative clauses and a variety of ways to add description to appeal to our audience.
We have completed our RE topic about Loving, which dwelt particularly on unconditional love which we looked at through the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Year 6 have also done some beautiful artwork using oil pastels to go with this topic, which will be going up on our corridor display.