Class News 10.6.2022
We've had a lovely first week back in year 4.
This half term we are continuing our Geography unit 'Rainforests'. This week we looked at the Amazon rainforest and Sherwood forest and discussed the similarities and differences.
In RE we have started a new topic called 'Building Bridges'. We spoke about how friendship is like a bridge as it needs to be strong, supportive but also sometimes needs repairing. We reflected on what it means to be a good friend and what the bible tells us about loving others.
In English, we are reading the book 'Arthur and the Golden Rope.' We discussed the qualities of a hero and discussed Arthur being the 'unlikeliest of heroes'.

On Friday, we had our class charity day where we raised money for the NSPCC. We enjoyed some extra play time and bought some goodies from the bring and buy sale. Thank you all for donating items! We also enjoyed a cake sale and ice lolly sale hosted by the other year groups.
Finally, well done to Jasmine, Philip and Eden for their excellent homework projects! They are amazing!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Georgiou