Year 3
Summer 2024 Term 2
Summer 2024 Term 1
Spring 2024 Term 2
Spring 2024 Term 1
Autumn 2023 Term 2
Autumn 2023 Term 1
Spring Term 2
Spring Term 1
Homework - Week 6_081222
Get crafty!
Please can you make a Christmas hat for Christmas dinner on Wednesday 14th December.
Make sure hats have names in them and bring them to school on Wednesday to wear in the hall when we have our Christmas dinner together.
Homework - Week 5_011222
Homework - Week 4_241122
Homework - Week 3_17.11.22
Homework - Week 2_10.11.22
Homework - Week 1_03.11.22
Homework - Week 7_20.10.22
Year 3 - 14.10.22
Mud Cloth Art
Year 3 - 14.10.22
What a brilliant week in Yr3!
Lots of busy bees juggling Art Week, Black History Week and all the usual day-to-day of school life; you'll definitely need a good rest this weekend!
In English we've had great fun reading War and Peas and learning more about the characters of the fat King and the thin King - what can you remember about them?
We are speeding through our Maths lessons! We've been adding and subtracting 10s from 3-digit numbers, and learning to draw pictorial representations when we need to.
Our next RE topic is 'Promises' and we will start linking this to the Baptismal promises made on our behalf when we were babies. If you have any Baptism photos then please bring them in next THURSDAY so we can copy for our display board; I'm not expecting loft ladders to come out! But if they are within easy reach then it would be lovely to have a few on the board. I will photocopy and send home the same day :)
Black History Week
We have really enjoyed our week in school. We had read Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman and learnt about a little girl who was told 'no' because she was a girl and because she was black. What happened next?
We learnt about Stormzy (a relevant topic this week!) and how he started out with his successful music career. We loved making our little fact books about him; I reckon they'd be bestsellers!
And we got creative with our mud cloth art! The end results look so good - can you make another one over the weekend?
Art Week
We've had quite a botanical theme this week! We've been learning to frottage (take rubbings of a surface) and then tear the paper to create a flower, and today we sketched flowers using a variety of HB pencils. The children took their flowers home so check they've not wilted in the bottom of school bags!
Thanks for a great week, Year 3!
Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week,
Mrs Ramsay
(photos to follow!)
Homework - Week 6_13.10.22
Homework Week 5 - 6th October 2022
Class News - Autumn Term Week Four
This week has been a fab week and the children have worked really hard- especially in maths, which they found particularly difficult at the end of this week and start of this week. They have shown such resilience and I have been very proud of them. We had a WOO HOO moment in maths and long may they continue.
English - this week we finished our instructions unit and wrote them up for an amazing ' Wash a Woolly' display in our KS2 corridor. We then started our fables unit my watching different versions of the 'Hare and the Tortoise' where the moral of the fable was slow and steady wins the race. During our class reading sessions, we looked at the book Amazing Grace, which shows a young girl who is told she can't do things because she is a girl and because of the colour of her skin rise above the comments and prove she can be anything she wants and be amazing!
Maths- we have been looking at counting on and back in 10s and what happens when we have to regroup- for example from 97 to 107 or 203 to 193.
RE- we focused on prayers and quiet times with God this week and tried to include the words from St Paul's letters within our handwritten prayers. We then looked at a painting of the Holy family and how we can learn from them. We finished off by thinking about God's vision for families and what makes a house a home and wrote recipes for a happy family.
Topic- we looked at Skara Brae, which is a Neolithic village. It is a prehistoric settlement where a farming community lived around 5,000 years ago.
Science- we looked at how forces can be effected by the surface by completed an experiment using ramps covered in different materials and toy cars.
Have a lovely weekend, I shall see you Monday.
Mrs O'Dowd .
Homework Week 4 - 29th September 2022
Class New- Autumn Term Week three
Another amazing week Year 3- you have worked your socks off and I couldn’t be prouder. This week we really have done so much!
English- we continued our how to wash a woolly mammoth by planning and writing our own instructions for how to ash a woolly mammoth using all the features we have being learning during this unit.
Maths- we continued to look at place value within 3 digits. We continued to partition and then moved on to counting on and back in tens and hundreds, sometimes we needed to regroup and other times it wasn’t necessary.
RE- we had our beautiful prayer service where we thought about homes and in particular our home and what God’s vision for them are.
Topic- we looked at the timeline of the Stone Age and created our own timelines.
Homework Week 3 - 22nd September 2022
Week two 12th September 13, 2022
Another amazing week Year 3- you have worked your socks off and I couldn’t be prouder. This week we really have done so much!
English- we continued our how to wash a woolly mammoth by looking at imperative verbs, we cleaned some dirty dinosaurs and thought about the words as we were doing them to create our own word bank for example- scrub, pour, rinse. We then continued our unit by looking at prepositions, adverbs and finished the week by looking for these features in example instructional texts. We also continued to answer questions on the text for our class reading sessions.
Maths- we continued to look at place value within 3 digits. We partitioned in standard and non-standard ways- this means regrouping a hundred for 10 tens or a ten for 10 ones. We looked at various representations and played lots of games to consolidate our learning.
RE- we looked at St Paul and some of his letters he wrote which can be found in the Act of Apostles, we then wrote what that means to us and how we can use these letters to deepen our faith in and out of school.
Science- we started our forces and magnets unit by looking at what a force is. A force is a p……. or a p……. and make objects m…….. or s…………. or s……… u…….. Can you fill in the gaps?
Topic- we looked at the timeline of the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and created a timeline of the key events
Homework Week 2- 15th September
Homework Autumn Term Week 1 8th September 2022
Please find attached the homework information for this week: