Buddy Assembly
It was a long time coming but we were finally able to have Buddy Assemblies this week, so that Year 6 could properly welcome their Reception buddies to St Joseph’s. There had been difficulties in being able to get together to practise and the weather was definitely against us a couple of times this week but they still managed to pull off two really great assemblies yesterday and today. Well done and thank you to Year 6 for your lovely words about your buddies, your great singing and your care for your little friends; well done to Reception for your beautiful paintings and for joining in so well with the singing. And of course, thank you to my buddies – Mrs Pisaturo, Mrs Smith and Mrs Butler – without whom the assembly wouldn’t have happened.
If we had done assembly in the hall, we would have had photographs on the screen of the fun times the buddies have spent together so far this term – playing, painting, sharing stories and eating lunch together so here they are for you all to enjoy at home.