CLASS NEWS 24.02.23
CLASS NEWS 24.02.23
Our first week back at school and it was as jam packed and busy as ever. On Tuesday we took part in the 'drama for all' workshop. The children loved taking part and thoroughly enjoyed being an acrobat, dancer and juggler, a lot of fun and laughter was had by all.
We started a new topic in Maths of doubling and halving as well as practise of our two, five and ten times tables.
We took part in our Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday and we have made our own Lenten Promises as we become closer to God during this season of Lent.
Well done to our two stars this week.......POLINA AND MICHELLE
Our amazing writer this week.......GEORGE S
A huge well done to everyone this week, have a lovely weekend all and ready for another week of learning on Monday morning!