Class News - S2 - Week 1
Welcome back to our first week after half term. I hope that you have all rested and had an enjoyable week.
We are coming to the end of the setting description topic that we started before half-term in English. We have looked at fronted adverbials, figurative language, and expanded noun phrases, which we will be including in our final piece on Monday. We will then be moving on to playscript writing.
In maths, we will be finishing our shape topic on Monday and moving on to symmetry. We have continued to look at shape vocabulary: perpendicular, parallelogram, trapezium, oblong, rhombus, and kite. We have also looked at quadrilaterals and their properties by playing "Guess Who?" shape edition.
In RE, we completed our Hinduism topic. We looked at the story called "The Bold Beggar." We spoke about how reading the scriptures does not make us holy but putting into practice what we read is. We will start our new topic next week.
In Geography, we started our rainforest topic. We reminded ourselves of the continents and where they are, and then moved on to looking at different types of biomes and what they are. We also looked at the Amazon rainforest and used atlases to find out more information about it.
Next week, we will finish our living things and their habitats all day and then move on to electricity.
Friday was a really sad day for Year 4 as we said goodbye to a really special member of Year 4, Sebastian. He has been with us since nursery, and I have had the delight of teaching him for two years. We wish you all the best as you move on to your new adventure, Sebastian, and I do hope that you will stay in touch!
Well done to our stars:
Lilly and Kamsi
Well done to this week’s writer: