Year One News 24/9/21
Good afternoon parents. Another week gone and as usual it was a busy, albeit fun week.
In maths this week we continued looking at ordinal numbers and reinforcing our left and right. Children had to identify the position of an animal from the left hand side and it’s position from the right hand side.
In English our story for this week was Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell. We looked at describing main characters, making story predictions and writing sentences about the main story event (the animals’ plan).
In RE we are continuing our ‘families’ topics. We discussed how there are many different families. Please send in a photo of your family if you haven’t done so already. Thank you.
In science we have been looking at and sorting the different signs of the seasons.
Today’s Macmillan fundraiser was a great success and all the children looked fantastic in their outfits. Thank you for your generous contributions. All the children enjoyed a cake too!
As previously promised here is the home learning grid to work through.
Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday,
Mrs Carpineta.